Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sweet Home Chicago!

Well...we made it to Chicago! Kennedy was an absolute angel on the plane ride. She slept almost the entire ride, woke up for a bottle and went back to sleep! We had a busy few days last weekend...

Mimi picked us up from the airport, and we headed to Maw's where Maw, Cindy, Eunice, Carter & Glen met Kennedy for the first time. Kennedy was so excited to see Mimi and took a little nap on her shoulder.

Saturday, our friends Matt & Melanie drove up from Decatur to see us. We met their little boy, Brody (what a cutie). It was a short visit, but we had a great time. Here's Brody trying out Kennedy's new chair!
Sunday, we participated in the Alzheimer's Walk in downtown Naperville and hung out at Deb & Tony's afterwards. Here's Kennedy snuggling with Maw and hanging out with her cousin Karra.


Amanda said...

I'm glad you had a great time. Hopefully we get to see you next! We miss you. I can't wait to meet Kennedy and let her fall asleep on my shoulder! :-)

Kate said...

Love her outfit on your mom's shoulder! Have fun!